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eLearning: Robogrammetry

Measuring Large Objects in an ATOS ScanBox Series 7 and 8

To digitize large parts, such as car bodies, many partial measurements must be carried out and transformed to each other with high precision. In an ATOS ScanBox Series 7 and 8, a combination of the robot position and special reference cubes can be used: the robogrammetry.

This eLearning guides you step by step through the complete process of robogrammetry and shows how to prepare, use and optimize robogrammetry in the GOM software and at the ATOS ScanBox. After an easily comprehensible explanations of each section, you will repeat the shown steps on your own with the provided sample data. This way, you will be ready to start with your own projects.

Learn how to …
Measure large parts from scratch using robogrammetry 
Place reference cubes on arbitrary measuring objects  
Prepare the measuring setup  
Optimize the transformation stability of measurements  

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