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NFEAs annual conference on Subsea Technology

Since 2019 this conference has aimed for an international audience, as we consider this professional arena to be of interest for the whole subsea business, not only for operators and vendors on the Norwegian continental shelf.

The conference will be arranged in Kristiansand, November 3.-4.

Actors who work with subsea control systems are experiencing fewer large-scale green field projects and increased number of tie-in projects.They must comply with climate requirements, focus on simplification and standardization as well as great attention to overall cost reductions.

Operators and suppliers have therefore evaluated their processes and adapted their solutions to a new reality. The battle for projects has been tough, challenging established subsea control system solutions and products. However, this has helped to stimulate innovation to ensure both quality and performance of new equipment and systems.

To support the digitalization trend in the industry, a higher degree of automation is required. Subsea control and subsea power systems play a vital part in this arena and enable many new opportunities to meet the revised demands of the oil and gas industry. Furthermore, innovations in subsea intervention came to light, which provide new exciting opportunities in the borderland between field control and field operations.

Over the past years, we have seen a significantly increased activity level. With this year`s Subsea-conference, NFEA intend to support and strengthen this optimism.

The Subsea Controls 2021 program spans from themes like “From innovation to project delivery” to “Brownfield&Tie-Ins”.  And in this span, we look into “New solutions” available and focus more specifically on “Monitoring of subsea electrical equipment”.

We also give you an engaging panel discussion on Standardization vs. Innovation – how can we stimulate to new thinking and development of new technical solutions – and at the same time meet requirements on standards being followed.

For program and more information, CLICK HERE!

Andøyfaret 33, bygg D
4623 Kristiansand
Org. nr.: NO882267792


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