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Aluminium production is a hot item

In aluminium production, high demands are made of heat protection for hydraulic cylinders on conveyor systems

FJERO has always delivered special solutions for machines that operate under extreme conditions. This was also the case when, a few years ago, FJERO was contacted by a Norwegian manufacturer of internal conveyor systemsfor the aluminium industry. The task involved delivering hydraulic cylinders that could tolerate the extreme heat involved in the handling of aluminium – both in liquid form and as forged aluminium components.
“We knew from the start that the gaskets, in particular, would be one of the weak points we would have to find the right solution for”, says  Pia Christensen Key Account Sales Support of FJERO, adding: “Through targeted design and construction, we were able to make the first delivery of cylinders to the customer, who was so satisfied with the cylinders that they have now made an even larger order.”
This type of special project is not uncommon at FJERO. Every day FJERO receives queries for many different types of special projects. Often customers consider their project to be a standard


Photo: colourbox.com

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