
Ukas vits: Om å kjøpe toalettpapir

Få en bra start på uka med et skjevt innslag fra redaksjonen bak Metal Supply.
En indier kommer inn i en butikk i Bayswater i London for å kjøpe toalettpapir:

– Sir, I want to buy toilet paper.

– Certainly. What kind do you want?

– What kind do you have?

– This one is called Marilyn Monroe. It's the best we have. It's soft and sensual, and caresses your behind.

– Ah, and how much does it cost?

– It cost one pound.

– Oh, that is too expensive. Do you have any other toilet paper?

– Yes, we have this one, called Jimmy Stewart. It's honest and fair, and gets the job done.

– Very good, and how much does it cost?

– It cost 50 p.

– Oh, that is too expensive. Do you have any other toilet paper?

– Yes, we have this one – we call it John Wayne. It cost only 10 p.

– I'll take it! But tell me, why is it called John Wayne?

– Because it's rough, and it's tough – and it takes no shit from an Indian!
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